These DSM mounts replace the factory rubber soft mounts with these stiff polyurethane motor mount inserts. Why do I want to purchase these for my DSM?? These motor mounts are effective for drag racing, since they reduce wheel hop and allow more energy to be directed to the wheels. These will produce vibration to the interior of the car. Available for all 90-94 DSMs, and for 95-99 turbos.
For 95-99 cars, the front and rear mounts are inserts that work in conjunction with your factory mounts; you must have intact (not torn) front and rear mounts to install them. For 90-94 DSM, only the front motor mount needs to be intact.
Part # 13-1902 90-94 Talon, Eclipse, Laser
Part # 13-1901 95-99 Talon, Eclipse